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Get with the times! Boost supply chain efficiency through best use of technology

Businesses large and small depend on digital information transfer to facilitate commercial transactions all along the supply chain – from handling inquiries to placing orders to electronic payment and shipping. The internet has become an enabler of commercial global enterprise – organizations can now move information.

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Your NAFTA Certificate of Origin: Taking a closer look

*USMCA/CUSMA replaced NAFTA on July 1st, 2020. Read More... Does it frustrate you when you receive an incomplete NAFTA certificate from your supplier? Do you often wish there was an easier way to check if your NAFTA certificates are valid?

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How to apply for an Advance Ruling

What is it? An advance ruling is a legally binding designation of the classification of goods for the purpose of assigning tariffs. Advance rulings are issued by CBSA under the Customs Act and serve to provide clarity by confirming a good’s tariff classification number under the Canadian Customs Tariff.

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Going global – Is it time to take the leap?

According to the latest analysis, of Canada’s one million small- and medium-sized businesses, only about 40,000 are exporters - and just 10,000 of those export outside the U.S. Sure, our big neighbour to the south is our closest and largest trading partner but, given the current climate of uncertainty there – not to.

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Is your Canadian customs broker offshoring?

Did you know that some Canadian customs brokers “offshore” specific customs processes to third parties? Are you wondering if your information is being viewed and accessed by a third party in another country? Do you want some information on what this could mean for you? Then read on!

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Attention importers! Auditor General’s Report on Customs Duties may affect you

A report by the Auditor General of Canada on Canadian customs duties is likely to result in changes to the customs compliance and enforcement regime. Released in March 2017, the report considered the roles of three federal agencies – the Department of Finance Canada, Global Affairs Canada, and the Canada Border.

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New Tariff. New Rulings.

The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) is the internationally recognized system for coding and describing products for trade. The HS was developed and is maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO).

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Update: CETA receives Royal Assent – Bill C-30 is now law

On May 16th, the proposed legislation to implement the Canada-EU Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) was granted Royal Assentby the Governor General of Canada.

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Do you import food into the U.S.? New food safety requirements for importers

On May 30, 2017, the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) rule came into effect and applies to most importers of food into the U.S.

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What’s the auditor cooking?

The Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) undertakes trade compliance verifications (audits) to ensure their requirements are being met and the correct duty collected. Audits are conducted both randomly and by identifying goods of interest through targeted verifications. Here, we dive into the latest priorities for.

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