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Importing wooden articles into Canada

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you might remember an earlier entry on importing wood items into Canada. This one seemed to strike a chord, so we’re reposting some of the key information. If you’re one of many with lingering uncertainty about the requirements around importing wood items, read on.

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Changes to Canada’s trade remedy system

Canada’s trade remedy system provides a legal way to prevent unfair competition from foreign producers. Recent changes to this system affect regulations under both SIMA (the Special Import Measures Act) and CITT (the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act) and have implications for Canadian importers and exporters.

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GST Direct Payment for Importers - Reduce Your Burden

As a commercial importer, you know all about your obligations to pay GST on the goods you bring into the country.

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Do you receive shipments from China?

If so, we’d like to clear up a new – and potentially confusing – requirement.

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Maintaining Your Records

Compliance Customs compliance is an essential part of every import business. Being compliant means being aware of – and abiding by – the laws and policies regulating imports and exports. Savvy importers adopt comprehensive company-wide compliance practices and keep on top of regulatory changes to adapt as necessary.

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Certificates of Origin

A certificate of origin is a legal document that certifies a product’s country of origin. Certificates of origin (COs) are needed to assess the correct duty and to qualify imported products for reduced duty under free trade agreements (FTAs).

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NAFTA Update - May 2018

*USMCA/CUSMA replaced NAFTA on July 1st, 2020. Read More... Canada, the U.S. and Mexico – neighbours who trade more than $1 trillion per year among them – have been negotiating since August to rework the North American Free Trade Agreement.

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General Average – Are you covered?

When you ship by sea, cargo insurance is a must. Even if your shipment seems indestructible… isn’t travelling far… or isn’t very valuable, insuring oceangoing goods is always recommended. Without insurance, you could be on the hook for a significant charge if a General Average is declared.

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Compliance Verification Trends Issue #2 – April 2018

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EDI: Electronic Data Interchange

EDI (electronic data interchange) is the electronic exchange of business data in a standardized format between trading partners and with customs agencies. It replaces paper-based document exchanges of the past and offers the benefits of lower costs, increased transaction speed, improved accuracy, and smoother.

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