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Free Trade Agreements: Rich with opportunities for those in the know

In today’s fast-paced and evolving global marketplace, countries are increasingly turning to free trade agreements (FTAs) to enrich their relationships with important trading partners. Since the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994 by Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, Canada has entered into.

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Cole International Launches Another Industry First

Cole International now offering new Free Trade services. See Press Release. List of FTA Countries.

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Part 1: U.S. Customs Compliance. It’s important. What’s involved?

Importing and exporting commercial goods across the Canada-U.S. border can be a complex endeavour. Doing it right requires a solid understanding of and strict adherence to a litany of government regulations overseen by government agencies on both sides of the border. On the American side, U.S. Customs and Border.

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The Dreaded Audit

So you’re being audited by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)… Now what? Here, we dive into what happens with a CBSA audit. Audits are Often Inevitable Anyone who ships items across the Canada-U.S. border should be aware that, at some point, they are likely to be targeted for a CBSA audit. “For every customs.

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NAFTA Certificates Are More Than Just a Document: The Impact of Non-Compliance

*USMCA/CUSMA replaced NAFTA on July 1st, 2020. Read More... The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been in place for over 20 years. It allows importers to benefit from duty free rates when goods are traded between Canada, Mexico and the United States. The agreement is somewhat convoluted though, and often.

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The U.S. Congress recently passed the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016, which formalizes an administrative process for temporarily lowering duties on certain imported raw materials and finished goods. Under the revised Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB), importers will be able to petition for duty.

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What are these additional charges on my freight bill?

When moving goods by common carrier, shippers expect to pay based on factors such as mode of transport, weight, volume and distance traveled. But even after these variables are accounted for, sometimes the total freight charges can be substantially higher.

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How can I ensure my broker and carrier are working together?

If you want to have problem-free border crossing of your goods, then you will want to ensure there is good three-way communication between you - the importer, your broker, and your carrier. As the importer, you can facilitate a working relationship that benefits you and your company. By having a good working.

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Together... we are making dreams come true!

A Message from Jason Evanson - National Director, Development at Children's Wish It’s been an exciting year at Children’s Wish. After three decades focused on granting the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses, Children’s Wish is now expanding its reach to include children with serious neurological and.

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How can you reduce delays in imports cleared by Customs?

Import documentation is one of the most common reasons import shipments are delayed. Sloppy, incorrect or missing paperwork alerts Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) that your organization may not be living up to its legal obligations as a Canadian importer. And that deserves a second look, often delaying your cargo.

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