Logistics 101: Customs Basics
Entering the complex business of import and export can be intense and overwhelming. Our Logistics 101 series is a gentle introduction and an easy-to-follow guide through turbulent, ever-changing waters. We aren’t going to just toss you a compass and wish you luck; we’re in the boat with you, guiding you safely to.
Single Window Initiative (SWI) - Survival Guide #2: Beef and Pork
The new SWI landscape The Single Window Initiative means several changes for importers:
Working with a Freight Forwarder: Part 2
Last week, we shared eight great reasons to choose a freight forwarder instead of working directly with a carrier to move your shipments. This week, we dive deeper into the work a freight forwarder does before your shipment even leaves your warehouse.
8 Reasons To Choose A Freight Forwarder
When you’re moving a shipment, it may be tempting to go directly to a carrier rather than working with a freight forwarder. What added value does a forwarder bring? Here are eight great examples.
Freight forwarder vs. customs broker vs. full-service logistics provider
Are freight forwarders the same as customs brokers? What’s the difference? And what is a full-service logistics provider anyway?
Important changes to the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)
On April 1, 2019, increased penalty fees for 22 of the 152 AMPS contraventions were announced. Why? The Auditor General of Canada criticized the CBSA’s penalties for being too low to improve compliance with trade programs. The new stiffer fines are intended to keep commercial clients walking the straight and narrow.
Cole’s Guide to the New Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR)
The Government of Canada released its new Safe Food for Canadians Act and Regulations on January 15, 2019. Consolidating 14 sets of food regulations into one, the updates aim to overcome risks and challenges related to the speed, volume and complexity of current food production. Some requirements (such as licensing).
7 Strategies to Reduce Shipping Costs
Reducing shipping costs is always top of mind when your business relies on moving goods. Whether you’re shipping within one country, across the border, or across the ocean, here are Cole’s top strategies to reduce shipping costs.
Making Incoterms Work for You
What are Incoterms? Published by the International Chamber of Commerce and recognized by governments, legal authorities and companies worldwide, Incoterms (or “Incoterms rules” or International commercial terms) are three-letter codes that convey the tasks, costs, responsibilities and risks associated with the.