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3 tips for managing cargo insurance claims

As an importer, you are likely aware of the kind of insurance you need. But in recent years, claims instances have been on the rise. What kinds of scenarios can lead to a claim—and more importantly, how can your freight forwarder help?

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Freight updates March 14, 2023: latest news and updates on the worldwide supply chain

The worldwide supply chain is constantly changing. Now, as we continue dealing with the fallout of pandemic-related supply chain issues, fluctuations in prices, labour disruptions, delays, and port congestion persist. These updates will share some of the latest freight news, so we can keep you abreast of the dynamic.

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Freight updates February 21, 2023: latest news and updates on the worldwide supply chain

The worldwide supply chain is constantly changing. Now, as we continue dealing with the fallout of pandemic-related supply chain issues, fluctuations in prices, labour disruptions, delays, and port congestion persist. These updates will share some of the latest freight news, so we can keep you abreast of the dynamic.

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5 surprise costs to watch for in ocean shipping

Ocean shipments involve a long chain of details that, if overlooked by importers, could come with hidden costs. Learn what some of these surprise costs are, and how you can avoid incurring them.

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4 ways to build supply chain resilience

If the beginning of the 2020s taught us anything, it’s that flexibility and the ability to pivot are crucial to supply chain success. While disruptions due to the pandemic and inflation seem to be easing up, an increase in extreme weather events plus rising sea levels suggest that supply chain woes are not over yet..

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Freight updates December 14, 2022: latest news and updates on the worldwide supply chain

The worldwide supply chain is constantly changing. Now, as we continue dealing with the fallout of pandemic-related supply chain issues, fluctuations in prices, labour disruptions, delays, and port congestion persist. These updates will share some of the latest freight news, so we can keep you abreast of the dynamic.

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Freight updates November 29, 2022: latest news and updates on the worldwide supply chain

The worldwide supply chain is constantly changing. Now, as we continue dealing with the fallout of pandemic-related supply chain issues, fluctuations in prices, labour disruptions, delays, and port congestion persist. These updates will share some of the latest freight news, so we can keep you abreast of the dynamic.

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Freight updates November 16, 2022: latest news and updates on the worldwide supply chain

The worldwide supply chain is constantly changing. Now, as we continue dealing with the fallout of pandemic-related supply chain issues, fluctuations in prices, labour disruptions, delays, and port congestion persist. These updates will share some of the latest freight news, so we can keep you abreast of the dynamic.

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Use Incoterms? Avoid these common problems

A common issue seen by our freight team is importers not knowing their terms of sale, and therefore not using the correct Incoterm. Knowing where your responsibility lies, along with proper training on Incoterms, will help make your goods move that much more smoothly, something especially helpful when space issues are.

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Considering nearshoring? Here's what you need to know.

If your supply chain operations have been impacted over the past two and a half years, you may be contemplating shifting your operations to nearshoring. But is this the right step for your company?

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