3 ways to reduce your company's carbon footprint

As the climate change conversation continues to pick up steam, the expansion of mandatory carbon footprint reporting has been growing alongside it. Many large companies have been reporting their greenhouse gas emissions to the Canadian and U.S. government for well over a decade now. If you are among the many companies.
Reduce your duty via these Canadian trade incentive programs

Canada’s many trade incentive programs are designed to encourage Canadian companies and keep them competitive by offering relief from duties under certain circumstances. Let’s take a look at some of these opportunities.
Freight updates April 11, 2023: latest news and updates on the worldwide supply chain

The worldwide supply chain is constantly changing. Now, as we continue dealing with the fallout of pandemic-related supply chain issues, fluctuations in prices, labour disruptions, delays, and port congestion persist. These updates will share some of the latest freight news, so we can keep you abreast of the dynamic.
3 tips for managing cargo insurance claims

As an importer, you are likely aware of the kind of insurance you need. But in recent years, claims instances have been on the rise. What kinds of scenarios can lead to a claim—and more importantly, how can your freight forwarder help?
Case study: out-of-the-box thinking leads to duty recovery

When it comes to customs compliance, there is no shortage of opportunities to overpay on duty, delay the release of your goods or receive a surprise verification request. This is why partnering with a quality team who knows customs like the back of their hands is essential. Here’s one story out of thousands.
Customs roundup March 22, 2023: news and views from the world of Customs

Customs, compliance and trade regulations are dynamic and always on the move, just like your goods. These roundups intend to bring you the latest in news from the worlds of Canadian and U.S. Customs so you can get the information you need to keep your goods moving seamlessly.
Anti-dumping and countervailing: understanding the CBSA complaint process

Last month, the Special import Measures Act (SIMA) handbook was updated and in light of this we are sharing a refresher on what SIMA is, along with a deep dive into the process of filing a complaint.
Freight updates March 14, 2023: latest news and updates on the worldwide supply chain

The worldwide supply chain is constantly changing. Now, as we continue dealing with the fallout of pandemic-related supply chain issues, fluctuations in prices, labour disruptions, delays, and port congestion persist. These updates will share some of the latest freight news, so we can keep you abreast of the dynamic.
Explainer: Origin of goods - Canadian customs

At Cole International, we believe that the more you know, the better your goods will go. Our Explainer posts provide valuable information you should know before you make your next move. We understand that the logistics industry involves complex processes, regulations, and definitions that can be overwhelming to.
Importing organic food products? Here's the latest you need to know.

Last month new import and admissibility requirements for organic seed products were incorporated into the Automated Import Reference System. If you import organic food products, this post is for you.

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