Cole Blog

GST Direct Payment for Importers - Reduce Your Burden

Written by CDN Customs Consulting Dept. - Cole International | Jun 6, 2018 2:55:00 PM
As a commercial importer, you know all about your obligations to pay GST on the goods you bring into the country.
Duties and GST can be paid monthly to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) through the CBSA's GST Direct 
Payment option.
Importers who choose this option enjoy a reduced administrative burden and less accounting paperwork to manage. Cole's GST Direct Payment option offers the convenience of a single, predictable monthly remittance - along with a consolidated GST statement that tracks the details for you. 
Busy importers know that being audited at the border is just a fact of life - and is no big deal if you're prepared. Because the direct payment option creates an effective audit trail, a possible audit by CBSA or CRA will be greatly simplified. (It's all about being prepared.)
Contact us today to find out how to make GST payments simpler than ever.
Information provided by: Canadian Customs Consulting Dept. - Cole International