Chapter 3: Importing into the U.S. – Tools are available to save you time and money
There are several programs available to importers that can facilitate the importation process and save money. Although it may seem daunting if you haven’t tapped into these programs before, it is well worth making use of them as the cost savings can be substantial.
Chapter 2: Importing into the U.S. - Change is in the air
Regulatory changes related to border enforcement were signed into law in February of this year under the TFTEA (Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act). All indications are that enforcement at the U.S. border is on the rise already, and this trend is likely to continue.
Chapter 1: Importing into the U.S. – The “Mod Act”: Compliance and Penalties
The U.S. Customs Modernization Act (the “Mod Act”) is part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Act and pertains to improving compliance and enforcement with U.S. customs laws. Among other things, the Mod Act places legal responsibilities on the importer for declaring all relevant information with.
Part 1: U.S. Customs Compliance. It’s important. What’s involved?
Importing and exporting commercial goods across the Canada-U.S. border can be a complex endeavour. Doing it right requires a solid understanding of and strict adherence to a litany of government regulations overseen by government agencies on both sides of the border. On the American side, U.S. Customs and Border.
The U.S. Congress recently passed the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016, which formalizes an administrative process for temporarily lowering duties on certain imported raw materials and finished goods. Under the revised Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB), importers will be able to petition for duty.
Cole International Opens U.S. Customs Consulting Office
Cole International has opened a U.S. consulting office in Houston, Texas.
Drawback: The Forgotten Opportunity
Drawback is the refund of certain taxes, duties and fees paid to Customs on imports for certain exports from the U.S. Long considered “the most complex commercial program” of U.S. Customs, recent simplifications of the drawback law should make drawback claims somewhat easier to prepare. Unfortunately, drawback is a.
Now and Then: U.S. Customs Brokerage Associations
As far as the evolution of the customs brokerage industry goes, what you don't know might just surprise you. Here are eight surprising facts about this service.
U.S. Customs: When does "not knowing" become "negligence"?
Like trying to find your way through a gargantuan hedge maze, navigating the labyrinth of U.S. Customs rules for importers/exporters can feel overwhelming. Yet the tantalizing promise of increased revenue from international trade continues to drive small business owners to try their hand at understanding the rules –.